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predictive dialers and crm software
computer telephony software predictive dialer

IVR Services
Voice Broadcasting
ACD Systems Automatic Call Distribution
Telecommuting Software
Window On the Web
Voice Recording Software
Predictive Dialer
Business Phone Systems
Auto Dialer Phone System
Community Notification Systems
Emergency Communications

predictive dialers and crm software

Predictive Dialer
Predictive Dialing Software
Business Phone Systems
B2B Phone System
Auto Dialers
Predictive Dialers
Phone Dialers
Auto Dialer Software
Automatic Dialer Solutions
CRM Software Solutions
Predictive Dialer Software
Autodialer Software

predictive dialers and crm software

DSC Tech Library



Function fpinfo_create returns the file template information for an open fastplus file.

The syntax for fpinfo_create is as follows:

fpinfo_create(int file_id, struct fpc_file *file_desc, struct fpc_index index_desc, struct fpc_data *data_desc, struct fpc_journ *journ_desc)

   int file_id          - File unit of open file from previous 
                          fpfile_open function.

   struct fpc_file{     - Structure to describe base file info.
      int record_len;      - record length in bytes - 0 for variable length records
      int recover;         - set to true for recovery of deleted data record space
      int compress;        - set to true for compression of data records
      int update_mod;      - update modulus for count caching
      int num_data;        - number of split data partitions - up to 8
      int num_index;       - highst index number defined
      int version;         - not used by fpfile_create
      char date[6];        - not used by fpfile_create

   struct fpc_index{    - Structured array to describe indexes /*
      char *pathname;      - pointer to pathname if split, NULL pointer or pointer to null string if not split
      int no_dupes;        - set to true if dupes not allowed
      int sparse_key;      - set to true to not add blank and/or null keys
      int num_parts;       - number of parts of data record in this key (0 if not in data)
      struct fpc_part{     - Describe key in data record.
        int pos;             - zero based part offset in data record -1 for key not in data
        int len;             - size of part in bytes - returned by fpinfo_create()
        int type;            - Type of key part.
                               -  0, FPC_KEY_NONE - don't create this index
                               -  1, FPC_KEY_CHAR - character key - size = bytes
                               -  2, FPC_KEY_SHORT -  2-byte integer key - size = ignored
                               -  3, FPC_KEY_INT - 4-byte integer key - size = ignored
                                     FPC_KEY_LONG - 4-byte integer key - size = ignored
                               -  4, FPC_KEY_LONG - 4-byte floating point key - size = ignored
                               -  5, FPC_KEY_DBLE - 8-byte floating point key - size = ignored
                               -  6, FPC_KEY_BIT - bit field key - size = number of bits
                               -  7, FPC_KEY_DECLS - decimal leading separate field key - size = digits - not including sign
                               -  8, FPC_KEY_DECTS - decimal trailing separate field key - size = digits - not including sign
                               -  9, FPC_KEY_PACK - packed decimal field key - size = digits (must be odd number)
                               - 10, FPC_KEY_DECLE - decimal leading embeded field key - size = digits
                               - 11, FPC_KEY_DECTE - decimal trailing embeded field key - size = digits
                                     FPC_KEY_DEC - decimal trailing embeded field key - size = digits
                               - 12, FPC_KEY_DATE - 3 2-bytes integers (year, month, day) key - size = ignored
        int size;            - Size of part in units (chars, bits, or digits).

    struct fpc_data{        - Structured array to describe data nodes.
      int size;                - size in bytes of this partition
      char *pathname;          - filename of partition
    struct fpc_journ{       - Structure to describe journal file.
      int size;               - maximum size of journal file
      char *pathname;         - filename of journal file

The possible values for fperrno and an explanation of each value follow.  

      Value             Explanation
     FEROK  - Code  0: Successful FASTPLUS Operation
     FEROPN - Code  5: FAST file does not exist
     FERUNT - Code  6: Illegal FAST file id
     FERFHE - Code  9: System file error