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WebAPI Web Access To Telemation

Visual Basic Descriptions and Declarations of WebAPI routines

WebAPISetHostName - Set the server host name. This, along with WebAPISetDBASE, should be called for initialization.

Private Declare Sub WebAPISetHostName Lib "WebAPI32.dll" _

(ByVal HostName As String)

Sample HostName - ""

WebAPISetDBASE - Location of WebAPI Servers control data

Private Declare Sub WebAPISetDBASE Lib "WebAPI32.dll" _

(ByVal DbTree As String)

sample DbTree - "/src/appts/dbase"

WebAPIPingServer - Internal ping routine returns true/false. May be used to verify simple communication.

Private Declare Function WebAPIPingServer Lib "WebAPI32.dll" _

(ByVal Message As String) As Boolean

Bounces "Message"

WebAPIValidateTMUser - Checks username and password to see if it would be a valid Telemation login. Returns true/false

Private Declare Function WebAPIValidateTMUser Lib "WebAPI32.dll" _

(ByVal User As String, _

ByVal Password As String) As Boolean

WebAPIFlushRefno - Releases all record buffers and associated memory allocations on a given Refno ("reference number"), leaving the search criteria intact.

Private Declare Sub WebAPIFlushRefno Lib "WebAPI32.dll"

(ByVal Refno As Long)

WebAPIFlushSearchRefno - Clears the current search critera on the given Refno, leaving allocated record memory for re-use.

Private Declare Sub WebAPIFlushSearchRefno Lib "WebAPI32.dll"

(ByVal Refno As Long)

WebAPIFlushAllRefno - Releases record buffers and clears search criteria on a given Refno. (Combination of WebAPIFlushRefno & WebAPIFlushSearchRefno).

Private Declare Sub WebAPIFlushAllRefno Lib "WebAPI32.dll"

(ByVal Refno As Long)

WebAPIFlushAll - Releases record buffers and clears search criteria for all active Refnos.

Private Declare Sub WebAPIFlushAll Lib "WebAPI32.dll" ()

WebAPIDescribeFields - Given a valid File Definition name, this routine returns the field names defined to the file, and their lengths (all data returned as character). Returns true if successful.

(ByVal FileName As String, _ File Definition Name ByRef RecordBuffer As Byte, _ Return buffer in the format of: : :, e.g., "NAME:32 ADDRESS:16 PHONE:10"

ByVal MaxLength As Long)_ Maximum number of bytes to return.

As Long Return value can be:





Private Declare Function WebAPIDescribeFields Lib "WebAPI32.dll" _

(ByVal FileName As String, _

ByRef RecordBuffer As Byte, _

ByVal MaxLength As Long) As Long

WebAPISetSearch - This routine sets the search criteria for a new Refno (returned). When accessing data, call this routine (or WebAPISetSearchOn) to establish the record set desired, call WebAPIReturnRecords, then WebAPIReturnRecord iteratively to retrieve each record of the set.

(ByVal FileName As String, _ File Definition Name - must have at least this set for WebAPIReturnRecords to work.

ByVal Field1 As String, _ Field Name on which to place a search condition. If "NULL" or Value1_1 is empty (""), then all records are returned.

ByVal Value1_1 As String, _ Value agains which Operator1 is applied. If this is empty ("") or Field1 is "NULL", then all records are returned.

ByVal Operator1 As Long, _ Boolean operator - 0 - Equals

1 - LT

2 - GT

3 - LE

4 - GE

5 - NE

6 – Range

ByVal Value1_2 As String, _ If Operator1 is 6 (Range), this is used as the high value. Ignored for other boolean operators.

ByVal AndOrNull As Long, _ If this is non-zero then look at the next set of criteria:

0 - Ignore the rest of the arguments

1 - AND the criteria

1 - OR the criteria

ByVal Field2 As String, _ If AndOrNull is non-zero, these fields

ByVal Value2_1 As String, _ are used the same as the

ByVal Operator2 As Long, _ first set of search condition

ByVal Value2_2 As String) _ fields.

As Long Return value is the newly created Refno, used in data access and flushing routines.

Private Declare Function WebAPISetSearch Lib "WebAPI32.dll" _

(ByVal FileName As String, _

ByVal Field1 As String, _

ByVal Value1_1 As String, _

ByVal Operator1 As Long, _

ByVal Value1_2 As String, _

ByVal AndOrNull As Long, _

ByVal Field2 As String, _

ByVal Value2_1 As String, _

ByVal Operator2 As Long, _

ByVal Value2_2 As String) As Long

WebAPISetSearchOn - This routine sets the search criteria for a given Refno. If the Refno has already been created, then this will set the search criteria - if an arbitrary (uncreated) Refno is given, then a new one will be created on with that Refno. When accessing data, call this routine (or WebAPISetSearch) to establish the record set desired, call WebAPIReturnRecords, then WebAPIReturnRecord iteratively to retrieve each record of the set. See WebAPISetSearch() for argument descriptions.

Private Declare Function WebAPISetSearchOn Lib "WebAPI32.dll" _

(ByVal Refno As Long, _

ByVal FileName As String, _

ByVal Field1 As String, _

ByVal Value1_1 As String, _

ByVal Operator1 As Long, _

ByVal Value1_2 As String, _

ByVal AndOrNull As Long, _

ByVal Field2 As String, _

ByVal Value2_1 As String, _

ByVal Operator2 As Long, _

ByVal Value2_2 As String) As Long

WebAPIReturnRecords - After calling WebAPISetSearch/ WebAPISetSearchOn, this routine will actually submit the data request to the host and return the records into a set, defined by Refno. FieldList is used to establish which defined fields (see WebAPIDescribeFields) you wish to have returned, thus describing the returned record layout. The created record length is also returned.

(ByVal Refno As Long, _ Supplied reference number constant.

ByVal FieldList As String, _ List of Field Names, comma- delimited, which you wish returned for each record, e.g, "NAME,ADDRESS,PHONE"

ByRef RecordLength As Long) _ Returned record length resulting from FieldLists description.

As Long Returns number of records found and in the Refno record set, or error:



WebAPI_ERR_SEARCHCRITERIA (no search criteria established)

WebAPI_ERR_NOTFOUND (File Definition, supplied by WebAPISetSearch[On], not found.

Private Declare Function WebAPIReturnRecords Lib "WebAPI32.dll" _

(ByVal Refno As Long, _

ByVal fieldList As String, _

ByRef recordLength As Long) As Long

WebAPIReturnRecord - After calling WebAPIReturnRecords, this will retrieve each record based on WhichRecord. FieldList is used to request which fields of the returned set the user wishes – this is necessarily a subset of the FieldList provided in WebAPIReturnRecords. Returns false if Refno is bad or WhichRecord is out of range.

(ByVal Refno As Long, _ Supplied reference number constant.

ByVal WhichRecord As Long, _ Which record of the set to return (0-based).

ByVal FieldList As String, _ List of Field Names, comma- delimited, which you wish returned for each record. This defines the returned record layout, with the character data for each field concatenated in the order in which this list is supplied, e.g, "NAME,ADDRESS,PHONE" ByRef RecordBuffer As Byte, _ Buffer in which data is to be returned. Should be large enough for FieldLists definition, but can be restrained with MaxLength.

ByRef Recno As Long, _ Returned Recno (record identifier used for changes, etc.)

ByVal MaxLength As Long) _ Maximum number of bytes per record to return. As Boolean Returns false if WhichRecord is out of range.

Private Declare Function WebAPIReturnRecord Lib "WebAPI32.dll" _

(ByVal Refno As Long, _

ByVal WhichRecord As Long, _

ByVal fieldList As String, _

ByRef RecordBuffer As Byte, _

ByRef Recno As Long, _

ByVal MaxLength As Long) As Boolean

WebAPIChangeRecord - Changes, on the server database, the data in a record on an existing reference number by position in the set (WhichRecord). FieldList is used to request which fields of the record the user wishes to modify. Unspecified fields are not touched.

(ByVal Refno As Long, _ Supplied reference number constant.

ByVal WhichRecord As Long, _ Which record of the set to change (0-based).

ByVal FieldList As String, _ List of Field Names, comma- delimited, which you wish changed in the record. This defines the provided record layout, with the character data for each field concatenated in the order in which this list is supplied, e.g, "NAME,ADDRESS,PHONE" Data in the remainder of the record remains untouched. ByVal RecordBuffer As String) Buffer in which changed record data is supplied. Should match in length FieldLists definition.

As Long Return value can be:









Private Declare Function WebAPIChangeRecord Lib "WebAPI32.dll" _

(ByVal Refno As Long, _

ByVal WhichRecord As Long, _

ByVal fieldList As String, _

ByVal RecordBuffer As String) As Long

WebAPIChangeRecno - Changes, on the server database, the data in a record on an existing reference number by Recno (as returned by WebAPIReturnRecord). FieldList is used to request which fields of the record the user wishes to modify. Unspecified fields are not touched. Arguments are identical those in WebAPIChangeRecord(), except the second argument is interpreted as a Recno, rather than a 0-based offset into a record set. Useful for making changes to known records from flushed data sets.

Private Declare Function WebAPIChangeRecno Lib "WebAPI32.dll" _

(ByVal Refno As Long, _

ByVal Recno As Long, _

ByVal fieldList As String, _

ByVal RecordBuffer As String) As Long

WebAPIDeleteRecord - Deletes, on the server database, a record in an existing reference number by position in the set (WhichRecord).

(ByVal Refno As Long, _ Supplied reference number constant.

ByVal WhichRecord As Long) Which record of the set to delete (0-based).

As Long Return value can be:








Private Declare Function WebAPIDeleteRecord Lib "WebAPI32.dll" _

(ByVal Refno As Long, _

ByVal WhichRecord As Long) As Long

WebAPIDeleteRecno - Deletes, on the server database, a record in an existing reference number by Recno (as returned by WebAPIReturnRecord).

(ByVal Refno As Long, _ Supplied reference number constant.

ByVal Recno As Long) Recno as returned from WebAPIReturnRecord.

As Long Return value can be:







Private Declare Function WebAPIDeleteRecno Lib "WebAPI32.dll" _

(ByVal Refno As Long, _

ByVal Recno As Long) As Long

WebAPIAddRecord - Adds a record on the server database. FieldList is used to request which fields of the record the user wishes to initialize. Unspecified fields are initialized to spaces & nulls where appropriate.

(ByVal FileName As String, _ File Definition name.

ByVal FieldList As String, _ List of Field Names, comma- delimited, which you wish initialized in the record. This defines the provided record layout, with the character data for each field concatenated in the order in which this list is supplied, e.g, "NAME,ADDRESS,PHONE" Data in the remainder of the record is appropriately initialized before the add.

ByVal RecordBuffer As String) Buffer in which record data is supplied. Should match in length FieldLists definition.

As Long Recno, or:





Private Declare Function WebAPIAddRecord Lib "WebAPI32.dll" _

(ByVal FileName As String, _

ByVal fieldList As String, _

ByVal RecordBuffer As String) As Long