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predictive dialers and crm software
computer telephony software predictive dialer

CRM Application
Direct Response Marketing Software
Contact Management Software
Inbound Telemarketing Outbound Telemarketing
CRM Software Features
Voice Broadcasting
Customer Support Software
Hosted IVR


Windows CRM Solutions
CRM Software
Remote Agent CRM
CRM Vendor
Linux CRM SOftware
Customer Relationship Management
Telemarketing CRM
Call Center CRM
Virtual Call Center CRM
CRM Application Software
Software CRM Solution
Customer Care Software
Customer Service Software
Customer Support Software
Automated CRM Solution
CRM and Computer Telephony
Unix CRM Software
Customer Information Management
Computer Telephony CRM
Call Center Software
Telemarketing Software
Direct Response Marketing
Direct Marketing Software
Computer Telephony CRM
Contact Center Software
Contact Management Software
CRM Software Features

predictive dialers and crm software

DSC Tech Library

CRM Solutions

CRM Customer Relationship Management This section of our technical library presents information and documentation relating to CRM Solutions and Customer relationship management software and products. Providing customer service is vital to maintaining successful business relationships. Accurate and timely information provided in a professional manner is the key to any business and service operation. Our CRM software application TELEMATION, was developed with this in mind. But the ability to change is just as important in this ever changing business environment. Telemation call center software was designed from the very beginning for this environment. Many call center managers, with unique and changing requirements, have chosen and continue to use our CRM software as their solution of choice. Our contact center CRM solution is ideally suited for call center service bureaus.

e-CRM Billing Direction

The following is an extract from the article "How the e-Bill is Driving e-CRM" from

Harnessing the Bill for e-CRM

Consider the humble phone bill. One may not immediately think of this as a dynamic and powerful customer relationship management (CRM) tool. But it is. The regular bill or statement is one of only two major direct touchpoints through which service providers have an opportunity to communicate on a frequent basis. The second is the customer service operation, which tends to be geared more toward complaint resolution and from a supplier's perspective can prove a harder point of contact from which to take advantage for CRM purposes.

Viewed as a communications device, the regular bill or statement becomes a proactive and interactive customer care tool that can be exploited for the benefit of marketing and customer service. The bill serves both halves of the CRM equation: a vehicle for advanced, targeted marketing and a customer loyalty platform. Increasingly, organisations that view these activities as interdependent are turning their attention to electronifying the formerly passive bill and statement delivery and payment process.

e-Billing as a Customer Service Tool

Having elevated the bill to the status of a strategic CRM tool, adding the electronic channel (e-billing) provides a quantum dimension to what used to be a "run-of-the-mill" back-office procedure. Large telecommunications providers, utilities, credit card, financial services, investment banking and insurance companies are increasingly seeing the benefits of online billing.

Today this is typically via the Internet, although the growth of Digital TV and connected mobile devices provide additional communication channels for the future. For the customer (both individual and corporate), Electronic Bill Presentment and Payment (EBPP) is perceived as a convenient value-added service. An online bill, quick and easy to access, can be downloaded, analyzed, reviewed, disputed, shared, approved, paid, filed and exported; anywhere, anytime.

Details on usage and payment history are easily accessed from the weekly or monthly statement as account information from both current and archived statements can be accessed in virtual real time. For the service provider, e-billing promises vastly reduced handling costs, faster payments (reduced float time), a more manageable customer experience, a myriad of targeted marketing opportunities and a competitive edge to service provision, which also acts as a barrier to exit for the customer.

e-Billing as a Marketing Tool

For the marketing department, electonic billing not only enables customised campaigns to be designed and delivered more efficiently than traditional paper-based processes, it also provides a much faster and more automated method for tracking and refining campaigns. Targeted messaging and trial campaigns can be analyzed, repositioned and re-introduced in a matter of hours or days, rather than weeks or months as is often the case in traditional direct marketing processes.

The emergence and growth of the global e-billing marketplace over the past two to three years has seen the complementary development of add-on marketing tools to create and deliver highly automated yet extremely personalised messaging campaigns. As more and more billers go "live", e-billing applications are increasingly tied to precise segmentation and customer profiling engines....."

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