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predictive dialers and crm software
computer telephony software predictive dialer

ACD Systems
Predictive Dialer
T1 Line Phones
T1 Service
Auto Attendant Software
Call Answering Service

predictive dialers and crm software

Interactive Voice Response
Toll Free Services
T1 Line Phone Service
IVR Systems
Toll Free Phone Service
IVR Software
Open IVR Solutions
IVR Services
Voice Response Unit
IVR Design Program
ACD Systems
IVR Hosting Service
IVR Outsourcing
Phone Answering Service
Inbound Telemarketing

DSC Tech Library
IVR Software Library


int ivr_speak_date(int call, char* text_date, int type, int allow_interrupt);

The ivr_speak_date function speaks a date given in a specified format to the specified call.




Specifies which call to speak to.
It can be one of the following values.

CALL_PRIMARY:Speak to Primary Call
CALL_SECONDARY:Speak to Secondary Call



date to speak



Specifies the type of incoming date.
It can be one of the following values.

USA: (month day year)
ISO: (year month day)
EUR: (day month year)



Specifies if a digit can interrupt the date.
It can be one of the following values.

NO_INTERRUPT: Do not allow reading to be interrupted by a digit
INTERRUPT: Allow reading to be interrupted by a digit

Return Value

Returns IVR_SUCCESS on a successful function call. On error the function returns one
of the IVR Error Codes.


ivr_speak_date(CALL_PRIMARY,"January 5th 1980", USA, NO_INTERRUPT);
ivr_speak_date(CALL_PRIMARY,"2000 12 25", ISO, NO_INTERRUPT);
ivr_speak_date(CALL_PRIMARY,"21 MAR 02", EUR, NO_INTERRUPT);

ivr_speak_date(CALL_PRIMARY,"Feb 2001", USA, NO_INTERRUPT);
ivr_speak_date(CALL_PRIMARY,"April 5", USA, NO_INTERRUPT);

*** Month, Day and Year must be delineated ... not like: "19800115" ***
*** Two digit years are assumed to be between 1970 and 2069 ***

Wizard Simplifies Development

DSC provides IVR software including our IVR wizard development tool for creating interactive voice response applications. Our IVR software lets you increase IVR development productivity by providing a visual development environment. IVR applications can be defined in minutes using this sophisticated, yet easy to use development tool. DSC also has available a comprehensive IVR software library known as our IVR Wizard Software Development Kit. This optional package is available for programmers and systems adminstrators who wish to manage IVR programs fromLinux IVR, Unix, or Windows IVR operating environments.

Data collected by your phone ACD (Automatic Call Distribution) or IVR (Interactive Voice Response) systems can be passed to your existing PC, Unix or Web applications through our phone software. The PACER predictive dialer can automatically call your customers and pass only connected calls to your agents. With our computer telephony software, your telephone and computer work together to provide cost-saving benefits.